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A Funny Story in Urdu | Unique Justice of a Qazi (Judge)

 A Funny Story in Urdu | Unique Justice of a Qazi (Judge)

A Funny Story in Urdu | Unique Justice of a Qazi (Judge)

A Funny Story in Urdu

This is a real life and funny stories platform. “Unique Justice of a Qazi” a funny story in Urdu/Hindi and English languages in which you will find three unique and different judgements by a Qazi (judge). You can find more Funny Stories, Motivational Stories, Inspirational Stories, and Love Stories here at our stories platform “Smile Stories”. So always be connected with us to read these funny short stories. If you like, please share these stories with your friends and followers on social media as well.


It is a matter of old times that a Qazi of a city went to the market to buy a chicken. The shopkeeper had closed the shop. He was slaughtering a chicken for a customer and waiting for it. Qazi said, "Give me this chicken." The shopkeeper said: What shall I say to the owner of the hen? Qazi said, "Tell the customer that the chicken has flown away. If the matter escalates, the matter will come to me." The shopkeeper gave the chicken to Qazi. Shortly after, the customer who had the hen arrived. When he asked for the hen, the shopkeeper said that the hen had flown away.

He disagreed, grabbed the shopkeeper and went to the Qazi. On the way, two persons were arguing. When the shopkeeper began to intervene, his finger got stuck in the eye of one of the fighters, which caused him to lose his eye. He was Jewish, so he took his case to the Qazi. The shopkeeper was very worried that in the case of chicken, the judge would save him, but what will happen in this case?
The shopkeeper was so upset, he suddenly ran away and climbed the minaret of the mosque and jumped down. An old man was standing below. The shopkeeper fell straight on him and the old man died there. The son of the deceased old man grabbed the shopkeeper and when he found out that the shopkeeper was being taken to appear before the Qazi, he joined them. When the matter reached the Qazi's court, the customer with the chicken first registered his case. I had the chicken slaughtered. Now the shopkeeper is saying that the chicken has flown away. How can a dead chicken fly away? The judge looked at the plaintiff angrily and said, "Do you not believe in resurrection after death?" On hearing this, he was afraid that the blame of disbelief might be issued. He said, "Of course, I believe in resurrection after death."
The judge replied: So why don't you believe that the hen was alive? He was helpless and had no choice but to accept the verdict. Now the Qazi had another case where the shopkeeper had pierced the eye of a Jew and the Jew was seeking ‘Qisas’ (revenge). Since qisas was half fixed for a Jew, the judge ruled that the shopkeeper had pierced one eye of a Jew. Therefore, half qisas will be difficult. It is better for the shopkeeper to pierce the other eye of the Jew and the Jew will pierce half the qisas, that is, one eye of the shopkeeper in return. As soon as he heard the verdict, the Jewish thought that if the other eye was gone, he would be complete blind. So he forgave the shopkeeper.
Now in the third case, the old man's son was appearing before the Qazi who listened the matter attentively and decided that the shopkeeper should stand in front of the same minaret of mosque and the son of deceased old man should jump on shopkeeper from the same window of that minaret and take his life as his retribution.
The old man's son said: Qazi Sahib, if the shopkeeper moved around a little, I would lose my life. The judge replied: Your father could have been here and there, right?


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