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True Motivational Stories in Urdu with Moral | Sultan Murad of Turkey

 True Motivational Stories in Urdu with Moral | Sultan Murad of Turkey

True Motivational Stories in Urdu with Moral

This is a true motivational story in Hindi, Urdu, and English about the King Murad of Turkey who often disguise himself and wander to find about his people. In this story, you will find how Sultan Murad bring dead body of a man to his home when nobody was willing to pick him up. Why he shocked to know about the man from his wife? Let’s know in this story. It’s a very motivational story with moral lesson. You can also find here more inspirational stories, short motivational stories and real life inspirational stories.

King Sultan Murad of Turkey was in the habit of disguising himself to get information about his people. One day, the king told his security in-charge "Let's spend some time with the people." When he reached the edge of the city, he saw that a man had fallen. The king shook him and saw that he was a dead man. People were passing by this dead man. The king called out to the people, “Come here, brothers! The people gathered in large numbers but did not recognize the king. People asked, “What's the matter”? The king said, "This man is dead. Why didn't anyone pick him up? Who is he and where are his family?" People said: This is a very bad and sinful man. The king said: Is this not from the Ummah of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)? Let's pick him up and take to his home.

People picked up his body and took it home. When his wife saw her husband's dead body, she started crying. The people left with the corpse. The king and his security in-charge listened to the woman's cry. The wife was crying. I bear witness that you are the guardian of Allah and one of the righteous. The king was very surprised to hear this. The king said, "How can this be? The people were calling him evil and sinful. They were not ready to touch the corpse of this man and you are calling him the guardian of Allah and the righteous."

His wife said: I expected the same from people. The fact is that my husband used to go to the bar every day, buy as much wine as he could and bring it home and pour it into the pit and say, "Let's do something, the burden of sins has been lightened for the Muslims." In the same way, he would go to an evil woman at night and pay her one night's wages and tell her to close her door so that no one would come to her. He would come home and say: Alhamdulillah, today I have lightened some of the burden of the sins of this woman and the young Muslims.

People used to see him coming and going in these places and considered him bad and sinful. I used to say remember that! On the day you die, people do not have to bathe you, do not offer your prayers, and do not bury you. He would smile and tell me not to worry, you will see that my funeral will be read by the king, scholars and saints.

When the king heard this, he wept and said: I am the king “Murad”. Tomorrow we will bathe him, offer his funeral prayers and bury him. Therefore, his funeral prayers were offered by a large number of kings, scholars, saints and the people.

Today we seem to make important decisions by looking at something or just hearing from others. If we know the secrets of the hearts of others, our tongues will become dumb.


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