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Motivational Story in Hindi/Urdu with Moral Lesson | How to Poison Mother-In-Law?

 Motivational Story in Hindi/Urdu with Moral Lesson | How to Poison Mother-In-Law?

Motivational Story in Hindi/Urdu with Moral Lesson

Find Motivational Story in Hindi/Urdu with moral lesson. Here is an inspirational and motivational story with tittle “How to poison mother-in-law?” Begums must read this story. You can find more inspirational stories, true motivational stories, and inspiring short stories with moral here at our stories platform. You can also find such motivational story in English just below the story in Urdu.

“How to poison mother-in-law” is a true real life story which has a moral lesson and the story is full of motivation. This story is especially for Begums (married women), they must read. If they like and agree, please express their opinions in the comments.

Motivational Story in Hindi/Urdu with Moral Lesson | How to Poison Mother-In-Law?


A long time ago, a girl named Tabassum got married. She lived with her husband and mother-in-law. In a very short time, Tabassum realized that she could not live with her mother-in-law. The two had very different personalities and Tabassum was disturbed by many of her mother-in-law's habits. Her mother-in-law used to make fun and criticism of Tabassum all the time, which was very annoying to her. Gradually the days and then the weeks passed but the quarrel of Tabassum and her mother-in-law did not end. All such quarrels had made the home environment very bad, due to which Tabassum's husband was very upset. Eventually, Tabassum decided that she would not tolerate her mother-in-law's bad behavior and that she would do something about it.

Tabassum went to Uncle Ahmed, a very good friend of her father who used to sell herbs. Tabassum told him the whole story and asked him to give her a little poison so that the problem would end forever. Uncle Ahmed thought for a while and then said that he would help you solve this problem. But you have to do as I tell you. Tabassum agreed.

Uncle Ahmed went to a room and returned shortly after with some herbs in his hand. He said with a smile that you can't use instant poison to kill your mother-in-law because that way everyone will suspect you. That is why I am giving you these herbs that will slowly spread poison in her body. But every day you cook something good and then put these herbs in it while serving her foods. If you do not want anyone to suspect that you have killed her, you have to make sure that you are very friendly with her. Don't fight her, obey her and treat her like your mother.

Motivational Story in Hindi/Urdu with Moral Lesson | How to Poison Mother-In-Law?

Tabassum was very happy to hear all this. She thanked Uncle Ahmed and hurried home because she had to start killing her mother-in-law. Weeks passed and then months. Tabassum used to cook something good every day and present it especially to her mother-in-law. She remembered what Uncle Ahmed had told her to control her anger, to serve her mother-in-law and to treat her like her own mother. Six months later, the condition of the house had almost changed. Tabassum had learned to control her anger by trying. Now often she was not even angry at her mother-in-law's words. Not once in six months did she have a quarrel with her mother-in-law.

 Now she was starting to like her mother-in-law very much and it was becoming easier to live with her. Her mother-in-law's attitude towards her had also changed a lot and she too had started loving Tabassum like her own daughter. She admired Tabassum among all her friends. Tabassum and her mother-in-law now began to think of each other as mother and daughter. Tabassum's husband was also very happy to see all this.
One day Tabassum came to Uncle Ahmed again. "Tell me how to save my mother-in-law from the poison I gave her," said Tabassum. She has changed a lot. I love her very much and I don't want her to die because of the poison I gave her. Uncle Ahmed smiled and said you don't have to be afraid. I did not give you the poison, but the herbs I gave you were vitamins to improve her health. The poison was only in your mind and in your behavior. But you have ended it all with your love.
Remember! Our attitude, our words and our accent determine what others do to us. May Allah help us all to walk on the straight path! (Ameen)


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