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True Motivational Stories in Urdu & Hindi | Wise Engineer of Taj Mahal

 True Motivational Stories in Urdu & Hindi | Wise Engineer of Taj Mahal

True Motivational Stories in Urdu & Hindi | Wise Engineer of Taj Mahal

True Motivational Stories in Urdu & Hindi

This is a true real life story in Urdu, Hindi, and English languages. In this story, you will find how a wise engineer convinced the King ‘Shah Jahan’ to spend a lot of money and time for construction of the world’s most famous building ‘Taj Mahal’. Let’s know the conversation between the King ‘Shah Jahan’ and the Engineer who built Taj Mahal. You can also find other motivational stories, inspirational stories, real life story, and short motivational stories in Hindi and Urdu at our stories platform “Smile Stories”. So always get in touch with us to read true real life stories. If you like this real life story, please share it with your friends and followers on social media.

Shah Jahan, The king was very fond of constructing beautiful and magnificent buildings. The Shah Jahani Mosque in Thatta, the Red Fort in Delhi, and the world's most beautiful building, the Taj Mahal, are excellent examples.

When Shah Jahan decided to build the Taj Mahal on the tomb of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, the engineers prepared several maps. It is said that the King himself saw a tomb in his dream which he liked very much. Coincidentally, an engineer's map turned out to be exactly that. When it was built, it was called Taj Mahal.

The engineer quietly tried to tell the King that the construction of the building would cost a lot of money and would take time. He was afraid that the King might get tired and frightened of spending so that the construction would not be completed. But when the King ordered the construction to begin, the engineer demanded several millions of rupees in advance. There were no notes in those days. There were thick bags of thousands of rupees. The King gave the engineer the bags from the treasury.

The next day the engineer loaded the bags into a boat and reached the place where the Taj Mahal stands today in the Jumna River and threw many bags into the water. He did the same the next morning.

The news reached the King, who was very angry and called the engineer. The King was very angry. As soon as he came to the engineer, he asked:

"Why did you throw those bags of money into the water?"

The engineer replied with great satisfaction:

Don't get me wrong, you have to spend your money to construct a building like the Taj Mahal and work hard. I just wanted to make you feel that way. Your money is safe, those bags were full of stones, take it out and see.

The king was very embarrassed to hear this from the engineer and promised that he would never interrupt his work again. Eventually, after the hard work of engineer and the encouragement of King, this magnificent and beautiful building of the world was completed.

True, great work requires great courage and perseverance.


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